Method 1: Using built-in functions
The `Vector3.Distance` function
The easiest way to calculate the distance between two points in Unity is by using the Vector3.Distance
function, which takes two Vector3
objects as input and returns their distance in world space. Here’s an example of how you can use this function:
public float CalculateDistance(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
return Vector3.Distance(point1, point2);
The `Physics.DistanceBetween` function
Another built-in function you can use to calculate the distance between two points in Unity is the Physics.DistanceBetween
function. This function takes two points (represented as Vector3
objects) and returns their distance in world space, taking into account any collisions or obstacles that might be blocking them. Here’s an example of how you can use this function:
public float CalculateDistance(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
return Physics.DistanceBetween(point1, point2);
The `Mathf.Clamp01` function
If you need to calculate the distance between two points and also determine their position relative to each other (e.g., if they are on a curve), you can use the Mathf.Clamp01
function, which maps a value between 0 and 1 to a value between 0 and 1. Here’s an example of how you can use this function:
public Vector3 CalculateDistanceAndPosition(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(point1, point2);
Vector3 direction = (point2 – point1).normalized;
// Calculate the position of point1 relative to point2
Vector3 pos1OnCurve = Vector3.Lerp(point1, point2, Mathf.Clamp01(distance / maxDistance));
return pos1OnCurve;
Method 2: Using custom functions
While the built-in functions are convenient and easy to use, they may not always provide the level of precision you need for certain applications. In these cases, you can create your own custom functions that take into account specific requirements or constraints. Here are a few examples:
The Euclidean distance formula
One common method for calculating the distance between two points is by using the Euclidean distance formula, which takes into account the square of each coordinate difference. Here’s an example of how you can use this formula:
public float CalculateDistance(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
return Mathf.Sqrt((point1.x – point2.x) (point1.x – point2.x) +
(point1.y – point2.y) (point1.y – point2.y) +
(point1.z – point2.z) * (point1.z – point2.z));
The Manhattan distance formula
Another common method for calculating the distance between two points is by using the Manhattan distance formula, which takes into account the absolute value of each coordinate difference. Here’s an example of how you can use this formula:
public float CalculateDistance(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
return Mathf.Abs(point1.x – point2.x) + Mathf.Abs(point1.y – point2.y) + Mathf.Abs(point1.z – point2.z);
The Haversine formula
If you need to calculate the distance between two points on a sphere (e.g., if you’re working with a planet or satellite), you can use the Haversine formula, which takes into account the curvature of the surface. Here’s an example of how you can use this formula:
public float CalculateDistance(Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
const float R = 6371; // Radius of the Earth in km
float lat1 = Mathf.DegreesToRadians(point1.y);
float lon1 = Mathf.DegreesToRadians(point1.x);
float lat2 = Mathf.DegreesToRadians(point2.y);
float lon2 = Mathf.DegreesToRadians(point2.x);
float dLat = lat2 – lat1;
float dLon = lon2 – lon1;
float a = Mathf.Sin(dLat / 2) Mathf.Sin(dLat / 2) +
Mathf.Cos(lat1) Mathf.Cos(lat2)
Mathf.Sin(dLon / 2) Mathf.Sin(dLon / 2);
float c = 2 Mathf.Atan2(Mathf.Sqrt(a), Mathf.Sqrt(1 – a));
return R c;
Method 3: Using third-party libraries
If you don’t want to write your own custom functions or use the built-in functions, you can also use third-party libraries that provide more advanced or specialized functionality. Some popular libraries include:
Unity Physics Tools
Unity Physics Tools is a free plugin that provides a range of tools for working with physics in Unity, including distance calculations and pathfinding. You can download the plugin from the Unity Asset Store here.
MathJax is a free JavaScript library that can be used to render mathematical equations in HTML. While it’s not directly related to distance calculations, it can be useful for displaying formulas or derivations in your code. You can include the library in your project by adding a script tag to your HTML file and linking to the CDN here.