How does Vector3.Lerp work in Unity? Discover its smooth transitions!

Vector3.Lerp is an essential tool for Unity developers who want to create smooth animations and transitions. It’s a simple yet powerful function that can be used in various scenarios, from character movements to particle effects. In this article, we will explore how Vector3.Lerp works, its uses, and how you can implement it in your Unity projects.

What is Vector3.Lerp?

Vector3.Lerp (Linear Interpolation) is a function that allows you to smoothly transition between two values of the same type over time. It is often used in animations and game development to create smooth transitions between different states. The function takes three parameters: a start value, an end value, and a duration. It then interpolates between these values over time, creating a smooth animation or transition.

How does Vector3.Lerp work?

Vector3.Lerp works by calculating the difference between the two start and end values and then dividing them by the duration. The result is a new value that lies on the line connecting the start and end values. This new value is then used as the starting point for the next frame, and the process repeats until the end value is reached.
To use Vector3.Lerp, you first need to define your start and end values and your duration. You can then call the function with these parameters, and it will return a new value that represents the current position on the line between the two end values. Here’s an example:

Vector3 startPosition transform.position; // Get the start position

Vector3 endPosition new Vector3(10, 20, 30); // Set the end position

float duration 5f; // Set the duration of the animation

for (int i 0; i < 60; i++) { // Loop through each frame

float t i / duration; // Calculate the time elapsed

    float t  i / duration; // Calculate the time elapsed
Vector3 currentPosition startPosition + (endPosition – startPosition) * t; // Calculate the new position using Vector3.Lerp

transform.position currentPosition; // Set the new position of the object


In this example, we’re moving an object from its current position to a new position over a duration of 5 seconds. We calculate the time elapsed for each frame using the for loop and then use Vector3.Lerp to smoothly transition between the two positions. Finally, we set the new position of the object using the transform component.

Uses of Vector3.Lerp

Vector3.Lerp has many uses in Unity development, including:

  • Character movements: You can use Vector3.Lerp to create smooth animations when moving characters or objects in your scene.
  • Camera transitions: You can use Vector3.Lerp to create smooth camera transitions between different viewpoints, such as panning, zooming, and rotating.
  • Particle effects: You can use Vector3.Lerp to create smooth particle effects that move and interact with objects in your scene.
  • UI animations: You can use Vector3.Lerp to create smooth transitions between different UI elements, such as buttons and sliders.

    Example: Character movement

    Let’s take a look at an example of how you can use Vector3.Lerp for character movements. Suppose you have a character that needs to walk from one point to another in your scene. You can create a smooth animation by using Vector3.Lerp to interpolate between the two positions. Here’s an example:
    public class CharacterMovement : MonoBehaviour {
    public float moveSpeed 10f; // Set the move speed of the character
    public Transform startPosition, endPosition; // Set the start and end positions of the movement
    public float duration 5f; // Set the duration of the animation
    private Vector3 currentPosition; // Store the current position of the character
    void Update() {
    float t Time.deltaTime / duration; // Calculate the time elapsed
    Vector3 newPosition startPosition.position + (endPosition.position – startPosition.position) * t; // Calculate the new position using Vector3.Lerp
    transform.position newPosition; // Set the new position of the character

Let’s take a look at an example of how you can use Vector3.Lerp for camera transitions. Suppose you want to create a smooth camera pan transition between two different viewpoints in your scene. You can do this by using Vector3.Lerp to interpolate between the two positions. Here’s an example:
public class CameraTransition : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform startViewpoint, endViewpoint; // Set the start and end viewpoints of the transition
public float duration 5f; // Set the duration of the animation
private Vector3 currentPosition; // Store the current position of the camera
void Update() {
float t Time.deltaTime / duration; // Calculate the time elapsed
Vector3 newPosition startViewpoint.position + (endViewpoint.position – startViewpoint.position) * t; // Calculate the new position using Vector3.Lerp
transform.position newPosition; // Set the new position of the camera


Vector3.Lerp is an essential tool for Unity developers who want to create smooth animations and transitions. It’s a simple yet powerful function that can be used in various scenarios, from character movements to camera transitions. By understanding how Vector3.Lerp works, you can create seamless and immersive experiences for your players. So the next time you need to create a smooth animation or transition in your Unity project, don’t hesitate to give Vector3.Lerp

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