How to get the camera to track the player in Unity 3D? Learn simple scripting!

As a Unity 3D developer, you know how important it is to have your camera follow the player and provide an immersive gaming experience. However, if you’re new to scripting, it can be challenging to implement this feature on your own. That’s why we’ve put together a simple guide that will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Before diving in, let’s define what we mean by “camera tracking.” Essentially, camera tracking refers to the ability of the game’s camera to follow the player and adjust its position based on their movements. This allows for a more realistic gaming experience that keeps the player engaged and immersed in the game world.

In this article, we’ll explore different techniques for implementing camera tracking in Unity 3D using simple scripting. We’ll also provide real-life examples of how these techniques can be used to create engaging game experiences. So grab a pen and paper (or your favorite coding editor), and let’s get started!

The Basics of Camera Tracking in Unity 3D

Before we dive into the code, it’s important to understand the basics of camera tracking in Unity 3D. At a high level, there are two main approaches to camera tracking:

  • Following: This technique involves moving the camera to follow the player as they move through the game world. For example, if the player is running to the right, you might want the camera to move to the right as well to keep up with them.
  • Locking: This technique involves locking the camera on a specific point of interest in the game world. For example, if you’re creating a first-person shooter game, you might want to lock the camera on the player’s character so they can see what they’re aiming at.

Both following and locking techniques require some level of scripting. In this article, we’ll focus on implementing following camera tracking using simple scripting techniques.

Implementing Following Camera Tracking in Unity 3D

To implement following camera tracking in Unity 3D, you can use a combination of C scripts and GameObjects. Here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. Create a new GameObject for the player character. This will be the point that the camera follows as the player moves through the game world.
  2. Create another GameObject for the camera. This will be the point from which the player sees the game world.
  3. Attach a script to the camera GameObject. The script will contain the code for following the player character.
  4. In the script, create two variables: playerPosition and cameraPosition. These variables will store the current positions of the player and the camera, respectively.
  5. Use Input.GetAxis() to get information about the player’s movements in the game world. For example, if the player is moving to the right, you can set the playerX variable to 1. If they’re moving upwards, set the playerY variable to 1, and so on.
  6. Use Vector3.Lerp() to smoothly move the camera towards the player position over time. This will create a smooth following effect that keeps the player in the center of the screen.
  7. Finally, update the cameraPosition variable based on the new player position and use it to move the camera GameObject.

Here’s an example script that implements following camera tracking:

using UnityEngine;
public class FollowingCamera : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player; // The player character GameObject
public float followSpeed 5f; // How fast the camera follows the player
private Vector3 cameraPosition; // The current position of the camera
private Vector3 targetPosition; // The position that the camera is moving towards
void Start()
targetPosition transform.position;
void Update()
// Get the player’s position
Vector3 playerPosition player.transform.position;
// Calculate the new target position of the camera based on the player’s position
targetPosition new Vector3(playerPosition.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
// Move the camera towards the target position
cameraPosition Vector3.Lerp(cameraPosition, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * followSpeed);

Here's an example script that implements following camera tracking
// Update the camera’s position to the new target position
transform.position cameraPosition;

In this example, we’ve created a script called FollowingCamera that attaches to the camera GameObject. The script uses Input.GetAxis() to get information about the player’s movements and Vector3.Lerp() to smoothly move the camera towards the player position over time.

  • To use this script, simply attach it to the camera GameObject and set the player variable to the player character GameObject in the Inspector. Then, adjust the followSpeed variable to control how fast the camera follows the player.
  • Real-Life Examples of Following Camera Tracking in Unity 3D Games

    Now that you have a basic understanding of following camera tracking in Unity 3D, let’s take a look at some real-life examples of this technique being used in games.

    • Portal: Portal is a popular puzzle game developed by Valve Corporation. In Portal, the player controls a character with a laser beam that can be used to solve puzzles and navigate through the game world. The camera follows the player as they move through the game world, providing an immersive and engaging experience.
    • The Witcher 3: The Witcher 3 is an action-adventure game developed by CD Projekt Red. In this game, the player controls a warrior who must explore a vast open world and battle enemies to progress through the story. The camera follows the player as they move through the game world, providing a sense of scale and immersion.
    • Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar Games. In this game, the player controls a criminal who must explore a massive city and complete missions to progress through the story. The camera follows the player as they move through the city, providing a sense of freedom and exploration.


    Q: Can I use locking camera techniques instead of following?

    A: Yes, there are many different techniques for implementing locking camera behavior in Unity 3D. Some popular methods include using a mouse cursor to control the camera’s position or using a joystick to control the camera’s orientation.

    Q: How do I handle edge cases like when the player character is at the edge of the screen?

    A: In this case, you can use clamp() to ensure that the camera’s position remains within the bounds of the game world. For example, if the camera’s position goes beyond the edges of the game world, you can clamp it back to the edge using Vector3.ClampMagnitude().

    Q: Can I use a different type of interpolation function instead of Lerp()?

    A: Yes, there are many different types of interpolation functions that can be used in Unity. Some popular alternatives include SmoothDamp(), CatmullRom(), and Mathf.MoveTowards(). The choice of interpolation function depends on the specific requirements of your game.


    In conclusion, implementing following camera tracking in Unity 3D can greatly enhance the immersive experience for players. By using simple scripting techniques and understanding the basics of camera tracking, you can create engaging game experiences that keep players coming back for more.

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